Monday, April 13, 2009

April 13- On Beauty

The objectification of beauty, in our culture, has made it difficult for many to see themselves in any way other than the "trophy" aspect of beauty- perfection described as stick skinny, blond, blue eyed, rich. We use the objectification of beauty to describe our relationships. Love gets objectified in the media, literature, movies, and music. Many search for "the one" based on what has been portrayed in the media as the perfect partner. Yet what happens when the perfect partner betrays you? In On Beauty, Howard betrays Kiki by having an affair while on a business trip. Does she leave him or stay? To some people she should leave him as soon as she found out yet to others marriage is a sacrament of love and devotion- for better or for worse. Does love forgive that pain? Should love be able to forgive that betrayal? In Kiki's case she does forgive him until she finds out that it wasn't just a one night stand- it was a month long affair with Clair.

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